Library collection consists of printed works and reproduced publications in the following accessible formats:
- Audio books (mp3 format);
- Braille books;
- Tactile books;
- Large print books;
- Mixed-media books.
Collection also contains music CD’s and films on DVD’s.
Our collection of accessible literature is always growing as new books become available from our Braille production department and sound recording studio.
In addition to literature in Latvian we have a substantial amount of works in Russian as well as a small number of works in German and English.
Library produces two audio magazines:
- Doma (monthly, Latvian);
- Калейдоскоп (quarterly, Russian).

- Lending of items from our collection;
- Delivery of accessible literature (via post) for our readers in Latvia and abroad;
- Interlibrary loans;
- International interlibrary loans through ABC Global Book Service (list of libraries available at https://www.accessiblebooksconsortium.org/globalbooks/en/);
- Consultations about Latvian Braille.